L6 Photography
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Photography A Level is a specialist course exploring the deep craft of Photography. It involves work in black and white and colour photography. Your work will also use both digital and darkroom photography and there will be computer-based work as well as handmade development work.
Students also have opportunities to work in video, film, installation and animation. You will study the work of other artists, designers and photographers, including work from primary sources during visits to galleries and museums.
Our Photography course gives you the opportunity to develop a personal and structured approach to project work, by exploring ideas and the work of other photographers. You will also develop your critical faculties, in both practical and written work, and acquire a high level of composition and presentation skills. There are many careers open to students with a photography qualification, including professional photography, journalism, arts administration, advertising, fashion, television, communications, art direction, interactive design and teaching.
Please click here to view 20/21 student websites

Take a Box for a walk
We would like you to take your box for a walk. Take 50-100 photographs using your phone or a camera. Think of somewhere interesting to take your box. Think carefully about where you place the box in the frame, make sure it is in focus.
Select + level the best 10 - 20 photographs
Present these in a Keynote or Powerpoint
“If your pictures are not good enough you are not close enough.”
Robert Capa
The Camera
Camera Obscura
To begin the course, we must first explore how a photograph is made. In this project we will investigate the work of Abe Morell and Vera Lutter who explore the process of photography by returning to its humble roots. We will show you how to build a camera, as well as teaching you how to capture light.